I Love My Twin Boys

Fun and fascination of raising twins



My name is Melissa. I worked in corporate America for about 20 years. While I was in the midst of my search for a new job, I found out I was pregnant. While I raise the boys, I am continuing to work on my Doctoral of Business Administration degree and this website.

I never thought in my wildest dreams that I would be a parent of twins. Twins, or any multiples, do not run in my family or my husband’s family. Since neither one of us had tried to have children before, we were quite surprised when the medical technician read the ultrasound. There’s a fascination with twins that in looking to explore through this blog. I also hope to share the fun experiences and any tips and ideas related to twins. I hope you enjoy reading about the craziness of our family!

Please join our family as we embark on this wonderful journey. I didn’t find a lot of twin specific websites during my pregnancy and I hope that others can use this information to give them a better start.

If you like our website, check out our facebook page  “I Love My Twin Boys” and also our Twitter account “I Love My Twin Boys”.

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